Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Budget + Teresa Collins= Not Possible

Last week I went into the scrapbooking store with a set budget of $20 and I was determined not to go over! Well, that all came to a halt when I saw Teresa Collins line of scrapbooking products. Teresa, why did you have to make such fabulous products??? Her products are everything I love, black and white, bling and girly! Everyone who scraps has a line or designer that totally appeals to their taste and for me that is Teresa Collins. Below is the first item I purchased from Teresa, it comes from her POSH line. It is a set of trim to decorate any pages or projects. I loved it!
Today I went to one of my new favorite websites (they offer 1 item a day and a significant discount)  and to my surprise there was an ENTIRE set of stuff from Teresa Collins. Don't worry I snagged it up immediatly. Here is what I purchased. It comes with papers, stickers, ribbons etc.
So  now I can totally assure you that whenever I see Teresa Collins products any budget I have will be obsolete. Hey, at least my scrapbooking projects will look fabulous! LOL

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