Thursday, April 14, 2011

30 day challenge: Day 3....Sharing a childhood memory

A perk to getting older is that you come to appreciate the small things in life. When you are young you don't realize just how much those little moments will impact you when you are older. 

Memory is a way of holding onto things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. - From the Wonder Years Show

Growing up my paternal Grandparents Johnny & Lupe Tunches (aka Memaw & Pepaw) owned a flower shop in Corpus Christi, Texas named Greenwood Florist. Because growing up I lived with my mom I wouldn't get to see Memaw & Pepaw often. When my brother Chris and I went to Corpus for the summers to visit my dad we always looked forward to spending time with the Grandparents. Memaw & Pepaw always made us feel so special and took the time out to play with us, something that is rare today. 

One special memory I have tucked away was when visiting my Grandparents shop, Memaw let me make a flower arrangement with all her leftover flowers. When I gathered all the flowers I put them in a vase and set them inside the display case cooler. Memaw suggested that I also draw and paint some art to put on her walls of the shop. She always loved for me to draw Betty Boop. After I drew some paintings and finished coloring I taped them to the showroom of the flower shop. Seeing some price stickers on her desk, I grabbed them and put them on all the stuff I had made....thinking maybe someone would want to purchase my my masterpieces..LOL! Pepaw stayed at the flowershop while Memaw took Chris (my brother) and I to her house for lunch. Flour tortillas were always on the menu because they were the best! When we returned to the shop after lunch, I quickly realized my flower arrangement and artwork were gone! Pepaw told me that someone came in to purchase them while I was at lunch. He handed me $2 and I couldn't have been happier. THIS TRULY MADE MY DAY! It made me feel special. It was later as I got older that I realized it was really Pepaw who purchased my artwork/flower arrangement to make me feel special. 

Although Memaw & Pepaw are no longer with us today, my memory of that day will never go away. One simple moment that they created for me leaves me with one of my happiest childhood memories. My wish is for my children to have special moments with their Grandparents just as I did.


  1. what a sweet memory! It also relates to one of mine. Your step dad allowed me to go to Job Shadow day with him and I got to make a flower arrangement at the flower shop!

  2. "Memaw & Pepaw always made us feel so special and took the time out to play with us, something that is rare today. " That is so true. Some of my favorite memories with them were memaw playing jumprope with me and pepaw making mud pies with me.

    I also miss the flour tortillas. She's always stick a little slice of velveeta inside and mmm it was so good!

    I think it was really sweet of Pepaw to pretend like you made money. They really were awesome grandparents. :)


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